Community Projects

IX Liverpool

Helping the Community

IX Liverpool is a not for profit community, ran for the benefit of it’s members, the local region and the people who live and work within it.  Our members are independent businesses who join for many reasons, but all subscribe and commit to our plan to help our local community wherever we can, however we can.

Many companies and individuals have helped us along the way by donating time, equipment, advice and local knowledge and contact that have helped make IX Liverpool what it is today and we believe in returning that help by bringing our members together to get involved in various campaigns and initiatives to give back to our community.

There are many way that our members choose to help, for example:

  • Many pay towards or help subside the many street based Free WIFI points around the region called “LCR Free WiFi” helping people stay connected whist also helping our visitor economy
  • Our members give free or heavily discounted Broadband to local good causes, Charities and Community Groups
  • Members donate space & computing cycles of their equipment to help scientist’s solve the world’s biggest problems in health and sustainability
  • Our members donate bandwidth to host the region’s Free Internet of Things Network, LoRaWAN, helping schools, the NHS and councils connect to sensors and devices
  • Many members put on free technical and social events to help people learn about how the Internet works and how to get a job working in the Internet Economy